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our什么意思(拜登说中国“eating our lunch”上热搜,网友:大可不必,中国美食难道不香?)

刚刚看到个新闻:为了推动2万亿基建计划,拜登多次警告说中国“eating our lunch”。
有意思的是,美媒评论说这是一个pitch ,大家并不买单。
今天咱们就来聊聊eat sb’s lunch和pitch这两个很有意思的表达。
首先,eat sb’s lunch可不仅仅是字面上“吃某人的午餐”的意思。它在《韦氏词典》中的英文释义是:
to defeat someone or something very badly
I’ve been practicing really hard because I refuse to let my nemesis eat my lunch again.我一直努力练习,因为我不想再被对手狠狠打败了。
另外,根据The Free Dictionary,在美国商业领域,eat sb’s lunch还指“抢走另一家公司的业务,或市场份额”。
(American English, business) take away another company’s business or their share of the market.
Unless we’re careful, foreign competitors will eat our lunch.我们要小心,不然外国竞争者将会抢走我们的市场份额。
所以,拜登说“China is eating our lunch”,实际上又是在重申“中国威xie论”,说中国的崛起会剥夺美国的利益、支配地位。
有意思的是,最姐还看到有网友在美联社(The Associated Press,缩写AP)的推文下面,还回复了一句:
Why should China eat America’s lunch? Chinese food taste so much better.
类似“China is eating our lunch”这种“卖点”,不过是西方政客在急于转移矛盾时搬出来应急果腹的,炒了又炒的隔夜菜而已,没啥新鲜的。




The man in the shop gave me his sales pitch about quality and reliability. 



 Eating Our Lunch: Biden Points to China in Development PushAP(节选) Pushing for trillions of dollars in development spending,President Joe Biden and Democratic lawmakers are directing Americans’eyes to the rear-view mirror,pointing to a booming,ambitious China they say is threatening to quickly overtake the United States in global clout and capacity. 美国总统拜登和民主党议员正在推动数万亿美元的发展支出,他们正使美国人的目光投向后视镜,指向蓬勃发展、雄心勃勃的中国。他们称,中国有可能在全球影响力和能力上迅速超越美国。 
考研 专四 BECspending/?spen.d??/n.(尤指政府或组织的)开支,支出,花销the money which is used for a particular purpose, especially by a government or organization【比如】government spending on health 政府在医疗保健方面的支出【近义表达】expenditure,payout 四级 六级 考研 专四 专八over·take /???v??te?k/ /?o?v?r?te?k/v.①超过;赶上 [T, I](especially BrE) to go past a moving vehicle or person ahead of you because you are going faster than they are 【例句】Zuijie pulled out to overtake a truck.最姐驶出车流,以超过一辆卡车。②(在数量或重要性方面)大于,超过 [T] to become greater in number, amount or importance than sth else 【例句】We mustn’t let ourselves be overtaken by our competitors.我们决不能让竞争对手超过我们。③(不愉快的事情)突然发生,突然降临 [T, often passive] if sth unpleasant overtakes a person, it unexpectedly starts to happen and to affect them【例句】The climbers were overtaken by bad weather.登山者突然遭遇了恶劣天气。 SAT 专四 专八 GREclout/kla?t/①v.(用手或重物)猛打,猛击,敲to hit someone or something with the hand or with a heavy object【例句】Zuijie clouted me smartly across the side of the head. 最姐狠狠地冲着我的头部一侧打了一巴掌。
②n.权势;影响力power and influence over other people or events【例句】The Queen may have privilege but she has no real political clout. 女王可以享有特权,但没有真正的政治权力。
③n.(用手或重物)猛打,猛击,敲when you hit someone or something with your hand or with a heavy object【例句】Zuijie gave him a clout round the ear.最姐打了他一记大耳光。 
It’s a national security pitch for a domestic spending program: that the$2 trillion proposal for investments in U.S.transport and energy,manufacturing,internet and other sectors will make the United States more competitive in the face of China’s massive infrastructure-building campaign. 这是在为国内支出计划寻找国家安全理由:2万亿美元投资于美国交通和能源、制造业、互联网和其他领域,这将使美国在面对中国大规模基础设施建设运动时更具竞争力。 
四级 六级 考研 雅思 托福 专四pitch/p?t?/【熟词僻义】除了有“投,扔”的意思外,在美国口语中,还指“竭力的推销广告;(摊贩等的)行话,花言巧语;(无线电、电视中的)广告宣传;行动计划”等a speech or act which attempts to persuade someone to buy or do something【例句】Zuijie made a pitch for the job but she didn’t get it. 最姐竭力争取这份工作,但却未得到。 The argument is that competition today with China is more about economic and technological gains than arms—and its outcome will impact the United States’ financial growth and influence,its ability to defend U.S.security alliances and interests abroad,and the daily lives of Americans. 其论点是,如今与中国的竞争更多是经济和科技而非武器——结果将影响到美国财富增长和影响力,影响到美国在海外捍卫利益的能力,影响到美国人的日常生活。 China has “an overall goal to become the leading country in the world,the wealthiest country in the world,and the most powerful country in the world,”Biden said before launching his proposal last week.“That’s not going to happen on my watch because the United States are going to continue to grow and expand.” 中国有 “成为世界上最领先的国家、世界上最富有的国家和世界上最强大的国家的总体目标”,拜登在上周推出他的提案之前说。”在我的任期下,这不会发生,因为美国将继续增长和扩张。” That pitch hasn’t won over Republicans.They say his proposal has been loaded down with unnecessary spending projects and that raising taxes will ultimately hurt the U.S.economy. 这套理由并没赢得共和党人的支持。他们说提案中充斥着不必要的支出项目,加税最终会损害美国经济。 …… 
六级 考研 雅思 托福 专四win sb? over(通过劝说或示好以)获得(某人的支持或友谊),把某人争取过来to get someone’s support or friendship by persuading them or being nice to them 【例句】We’ll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.我们将在接下来的十天好好努力,把犹豫未决的选民争取过来。【近义表达】convince, bring round, convert, influence, persuade, prevail upon, sway Using urgent warnings of a rival’s advances to press for more infrastructure and research spending is a Cold War-tested technique.Past American presidents pointed to the Soviet Union while building up the U.S. highway system,space program and arms stockpiles. 利用对竞争对手进展的紧急警告来推动更多的基础设施建设和研究支出,是一种经过冷战考验的技术。前几任美国总统在建设美国高速公路系统、太空计划和军备储备时都将矛头指向了苏联。 
雅思 GMATstock·pile /?st?kpa?l/ /?stɑ?kpa?l/①n.囤聚的物资a large supply of sth that is kept to be used in the future if necessary【比如】the world’s stockpile of nuclear weapons全世界的核武器储备②v.贮存,积聚(物资、武器等)to keep adding to a supply of goods, weapons etc that you are keeping ready to use if you need them in the future【例句】An enormous volume of explosives was stockpiled inside one of the buildings.其中一栋大楼内贮存了大量的炸药。【近义表达】reserves,stores And in the case of infrastructure,Biden’s repeated warnings that China and other countries are“eating our lunch”are borne out by many crucial metrics,and by the observations of almost anyone who’s traveled abroad much. 就基础设施而言,拜登多次警告说中国和其他国家正在”抢我们的饭碗”,这在许多关键指标上都得到了证实,而且几乎所有经常出国旅行的人都观察到了。 
拓展词汇eat sb’s lunch①剥夺某人的利益、支配地位或成功 to deprive of profit, dominance, or success【例句】Unless we’re careful, foreign competitors will eat our lunch.除非我们小心谨慎,否则外国竞争对手会抢走我们的饭碗。②比某人成功得多to be much more successful than someone【例句】The company is tired of the competition eating its lunch.这家公司已经厌倦了竞争。③打败某人to defeat one【例句】I’ve been practicing really hard because I refuse to let my nemesis eat my lunch again.我一直在努力练习,因为我不想再被对手打败了。

