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“Nos”是英文单词”number”的缩写,是一个表示数量的简写,在医学、药学等领域中常用。它通常表示“数量”,例如”10 nos.”,表示数量为10个。







魅蓝YunOS版和原本没有任何区别,硬件配置几乎完全一样,只是把系统底层从Android换成了YunOS,操作界面还是Flyme,同时加入了部分YunOS的卡片元素,搭载Flyme powered by YunOS的魅族MX4,在界面上看来与正常 Flyme OS不同的是仅在左边多出的一屏卡片式设计的 Cloud Card 服务,YunOS 版的魅蓝手机也是如此,Cloud Card 与 Flyme 系统无缝衔接,只需要滑至最左边一屏即可进入,十分自然流畅。

设计上的区别:Cloud Card的界面趋于规则、整洁的卡片式风格,相较于当下千篇一律的扁平化图标,卡片式的界面更为简洁大方、清新独特,同时也不会显得杂乱。







YunOS 是由阿里巴巴集团研发的基于云计算,以数据和服务为导向的万物互联网操作系统。



  • hasenosa译成中文是什么意思
  • 他是个食品业的制造商

英文中的big nose 大鼻子指的是什么意思?

  • v
  • 表示好管闲事的人如果你想追叙这个词汇的来源 以下是一些材料 希望能帮助到你学习What Does it Mean to Be a "Big Nose"?not to be confused with the person who literally has a big nose, being a big nose indicates that the person in question is nosy, meddlesome, or intrusive into things that others view as being private. A big nose tends to get too involved in other people’s activities and may also be referred to as a busybody. This term is also frequently applied to investigators, police detectives, or other agency personnel that make it their business to know other people’s business. Someone might say, “The big nose was asking a lot of questions.”Terms like "big nose" are known as idioms. Idiomatic expressions can be interesting pieces of a language, but they can also sometimes be confusing, especially for people who are not fluent in the particular language in which they are used. “Raining cats and dogs” is an idiom, one that could obviously be very confusing. Clearly, it is an exaggerated descriptive phrase, and not meant to be taken literally in any way.Being a big nose may also be seen as exaggeration since in literal terms it has nothing to do with the actual size of that particular facial feature. It can be said that such a person leads with his nose, or sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong. Calling someone a big nose is another way of telling that person, “Mind your own business.” While it might not seem very polite to use such terms, it is not polite to invade another person’s pri……余下全文

There are more dinosaurs over there的意思

  • 那边有更多的恐龙。

she always has her nose in the air的中文意思

  • 她总是非常傲慢

radial diagnostic catheter 是什么意思

  • radial diagnostic catheter星形的诊断导管双语例句1The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass.白色的大理石地板镶嵌在铜质的放射形图案中。2The use of Amplatz diagnostic catheter in the CRT o碃抚百幌知呵版童保阔perationAmplatz诊断导管在CRT植入术中的应用